Players of the Day

Each week at training we reward two players with players of the day trophies. One award is for Player of the Day itself. This tends to go to the player that has demonstrated that they have learnt the skill or technique we have practiced at the start of the session and has managed to apply that new skill into the practice match at the end of the session. The most improved trophy then goes to the player that has shown the best attitude in training, either through effort and hard work or for listening and trying really hard in the session.

All the winners get to keep the trophy for a week and they also get a Junior Blades medal which they get to keep forever.

Past Winners

Kids at the younger age groups like our U8 love the player of the day concept and the opportunity to win something for trying really hard or doing really well. We also find that it increases the effort levels from all of the players and makes the sessions much more fun and enjoyable.

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