An Elite Force of Junior Blades U12 recently embarked upon a secret mission. For security reasons we have had to cover up their faces but they will go down in this Clubs history as the heroes that saved the world!
Well done men, mission complete!!

On Sunday 7th July the Junior Blades U12 took part in a team building event around Langsett Resevoir. The mission was to transport supplies to ally troops deep behind enemy lines.
General Nathan Flatley was in command of his troops and briefed the young soldiers of the mission. After reaching the rendezvous point at Langsett Barn Car Park at 12.30pm the group were given the task of transporting rucksacks laden with supplies around the resevoir and to nearby troops in need of the supplies.

The route was treacherous and the soldiers had to work together taking cover in the undergrowth, under bridges, in the trees and under water. The rucksacks had to be transported carefully as they contained equipment that could not be dropped or get wet.
The team had to work together to complete their mission but they managed to transport the cargo in one piece with no casualties.
Big thanks to General Flatley for organising a fun day out which was thoroughly enjoyed by all of the team and coaches alike.