Kobi Myrie is 8 years old and plays for my Junior Blades football team. In his spare time, he has made more than 70 keyrings to raise money for NHS workers and has so far raised over £150 for the NHS by selling the keyrings, which take roughly 20 minutes to make.
The 8-year-old was motivated to raise money for workers because his mum works at an NHS pharmacy.
Kobi’s mum, Maria, has been helping to deliver the keyrings to people, by leaving them on their doorstep, while on her essential journey to work
Chris Slack, Bradwell Skip Director, had this to say about Kobi-
“I’m very proud of Kobi and his efforts and to say thank you we have ordered NHS key rings for all of our drivers and we are making a £200 donation towards his fundraising efforts.
£150 will be going to the Sheffield Childrens Hospital and £50 will be going to Kobi to treat himself to some new football boots or maybe a bunch of flowers for his mum !!”
If anybody would be interested in a key ring then please get in touch at info@bradwellskips.co.uk and we will pass any orders on for you. There is no set cost for the keyrings but Kobi and Maria have asked for people to donate to an NHS charity.