It’s only a week to go now until the second Sheffield United Junior Blades golf day. This time the event is being held at Dore & Totley Golf Course on Friday 17th July
Again we have been overwhelmed by the support for the event and proud to say we currently have 20 teams and 80 players taking part.

The event will begin at 9am with a shotgun start and players will be playing a stableford, 2 out of 4 to count format. Players will be playing off 3/4 handicaps!
Last year Mike O’Connor, Ben O’Connor and Robert Dowd were victorious but who will be the new 2020 champions.
I’d like to thank all of the players for taking part in the event and especially the team captains who have gone out of their way to recruit players and donate prizes or offer to sponsor holes.
The Junior Blades would like to thank the following companies for their support and involvement in both this event and in the Junior Blades as a whole.
- Bradwell Skips
- Everest Golf Society
- Fujitsu Air Conditioning
- K&N Brickwork
- Benchmarx Joinery
- Trenpa Therapy Centre
- Steelers Sports Bar
- Gameplan Financial
- LED Direct
- HDM Ceilings and Partitions
- SUJB U21s
- Lee Collins Flooring
- JR Metals
- Warwick Ward
- Marriott Motors
- CH Recycling
- City Taxis
- Sheffield Steelers
- Metgas
- Bornballers
- JF Knight
Please give the companies above a search on google and follow them all on social media etc and lets support businesses that are supporting the Junior Blades and grassroots football.
Fingers crossed that we’ll be getting some decent weather and I’m sure everyone will have an enjoyable time on the course.